Children Of Pain Logo

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updated 07/09/21

1. SHARE: Though speaking is optional, for those who are ready, we are here to talk about details of the abuse we survived, how that abuse impacted our lives, and how we can live as survivors in the present. Anyone may sob freely, express anger, fear or any other feelings, so express freely, but respectfully.

2. LISTEN: We listen to what others have to say and try to offer constructive feedback, thoughts, and shared experiences. It is okay to discuss what other’s say during the meeting, but remember that everyone is on their own unique recovery journey, so if you hear something you like, embrace it. Otherwise, let it go.

3. RESPECT: We respect our fellow survivors by remembering that we are discussing some of the most painful and vulnerable aspects of our lives. Therefore, another person’s words, vocal tones, and statements may un-intentionally trigger, upset or anger us. If this happens, we step away from the meeting and take time to comfort ourselves.

4. ANONYMITY: We are an anonymous group, so we only use our first name, or a first name of our choice, when we share. We maintain a safe space by being an audio-only meeting, keeping our cameras off the entire time, and not recording anything, though it is okay to take notes. Also, to minimize background noise, we keep our devices muted when not sharing.

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for more information
contact robert at